April 6, 2011

E is for Eggs!

You either love them or you hate them, but if you love them.....you love them when they are fresh off the farm!

"E" is for EGGS!

We take great pride in being able to use as fresh of an ingredient as possible in our cakes and sweet goodies.  Our eggs are local, free-range and farm fresh from right down the road in McLeansville, NC.

Ward's is a farm that provides our eggs each week with delivery straight from their farm to our bakery.  We go through approximately 200 dozen eggs in a normal week.....whew!  Daily you will see bowls full of eggs with a dollop of vanilla to make a true Southern treat.

The great thing about them being local and one on one with us for deliveries is that they reuse all of the packaging to eliminate waste...boxes, cardboard shelving and all; we hold it for them to pick up each week.

If you want to get a dozen or two for yourself, be sure to visit Ward's at the Greensboro Downtown Farmer's Curb Market on Saturdays from 6a to 12p.  They have their farm fresh eggs available as well as pork.